Bones, Joints and Muscles
The back bone's connected to the neck bone, which is connected to joints, muscles and a whole skeletal system composed of cartilages, ligaments and other tissues. Like any building, a body is only as solid as it's structural core, so read our expert information on how to prevent yours from crumbling.
Can a standing desk really help your back pain?
I’ll admit it – I’m a sloucher. I’ve been a committed sloucher since my schooldays where sitting up straight wasn’t the posture to adopt if you wanted to be of one of the cool kids. Fast-forward twentyish years and those sloppy sitting days have come back to haunt me. Don’t look back in anger Between […]
The most likely reasons for your muscle pain
If you’re always busy, rushing about and feeling stressed, it’s likely to be a recipe to end up with muscle strains. The good news is there are some simple tips to keep you moving. Back and neck pain One of the most common places to strain a muscle is in your back, including your neck […]
This is what it feels like to live with chronic pain
Nearly half of the UK population – around 28 million adults – lives with some form of chronic pain. A research analysis published by the BMJ in 2016 found that 43% of Brits are affected and, researchers say, that number is only likely to keep rising with our ageing population. With chronic pain described as ‘a major […]
The best exercises for back pain
Back pain affects nearly everyone at some point in their life. Whether it’s due to a work-related injury or a slip and fall in the shower, back pain – and more specifically lower back pain – causes more global disability than any other condition. Yet despite how debilitating back pain can be, the good news is, […]