Anaesthesia Department
Welcome to the Anaesthesia Department
The department was established to provide Anaesthesia services in all Theatres, to manage or take care of Patients in the Recovery Wards and Intensive Care Units as well as providing training and research in the Hospital.
We have a total of 42 beds in our recovery wards and the ICU/HDU.
It is a tertiary referral Centre for Patients ranging from Paediadric to Geriatric requiring Anaesthesia service.
Anaesthesia Services are provided for the following surgeries:
• General Surgery
• ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery)
• Maxillofacial
• Paediatric Surgery
• Urology
• Plastic Surgery
• Obstetric and Gynaeocolgy
• Trauma and Orthopedic
• Eye (Ophalmology)
• Cardiothoracic
• Radiology/imaging
• Paediatric Surgery
• Urology
• Plastic Surgery
• Obstetric and Gynaeocolgy
• Trauma and Orthopedic
• Eye (Ophalmology)
• Cardiothoracic
• Radiology/imaging
Admissions and Visits
During the course of providing antenatal care all patients with complications of pregnancy that cannot be safely managed on outpatient basis are admitted to the antenatal wards for further investigations and appropriate management
Labour Wards
There are two labour wards attached to the six storey maternity block. There is one on the first floor and another on the second floor. Patients are admitted to the labour wards from home, the antenatal wards and referral units.
There are operating theatres located on the labour wards. These theatres are served by a five-bed recovery ward. Both labour wards have a twenty four-hour cover by doctors.
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
The two labour wards are served by the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) which is located on the third floor. Twenty-four hour neonatologist cover is provided at the NICU.
The paediatricians are called to be present at delivery when the birth of a baby with low Apgar scores is anticipated. Babies who are delivered in the absence of the paediatricians and are found to have problems are immediately sent to the NICU. All preterm babies, macrosomic babies and infants of diabetic mothers are sent to the NICU, regardless of their Apgar scores, for neonatological assessment.
Post Natal Visits
Mothers are first seen at the post natal clinic two weeks after delivery and then six weeks post delivery. Those with special problems are seen more frequently.
Gynaecology Unit
The gynaecology unit has three wards that are used by the five obstetrics and gynaecology teams. Two of these wards are for patients who are admitted as emergency cases and the third is for patients admitted for elective surgery. Patients are seen on a daily basis at the out patients department. Each team has a fixed clinic day.
Emergency cases are seen in the emergency room by the on call team. Patients are admitted from here to the emergency lying-in wards for surgery or for further investigations and treatment.
Patients seen at the clinic who need elective surgery are placed on waiting lists of variable length depending on the type of surgery and the urgency of the case. The patient is reviewed by the anaesthetist at the anaesthesia clinic held at the surgical block. The patient is admitted to the ward only after she had been declared fit for surgery by the anaesthetist.